AEM - Set password restrictions for AEM Users

Usually when we create a user on our local it takes all type of passwords as there is no restriction to set a password.

But usually when you create a user on higher environment with a simple password like "admin" it gets created (without any error message), but after creating the user when you go ahead and find that user, then you see that your user does not exist. 

This use case happens when there is a password restriction applied on your environment.

When you go to OSGI configuration on felix console, then go to Apache Jackrabbit Oak AuthorizableActionProvider. You need to check PasswordValidationAction Checkbox and add the regular expression in Configure PasswordValidationAction Password Constraint textbox.

Adobe's defined constraint :(?=.*\d.*)(?=.*[a-z].*)(?=.*[A-Z].*)(?=.*[@#%\*\-+=~\[\]{}<>\?].*).{12,}

This you can usually find on your higher environments. But you can go ahead and change the complexity anytime you want. 

Hope this helps!!

Happy Coding đź™Ź

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