AEM - Trigger customized workflow on manage publication.

In AEM 6.3 and above, there is a feature that allows content authors to “Request Publication” or “Request Unpublication.” The option becomes available when the content author does not have replication permission on the page they are currently authoring. Shown as below:

When you click on "Manage Publication" it takes you to a page with below options:

Now when you click on Publish or Unpublish, then AEM's OOTB Request for Activation or Request for Deactivation workflows gets triggered respectively.

In order to trigger custom workflow on click of manage publication, below are the steps:

  1.  Go to/libs/cq/gui/content/common/managepublicationwizard/body/items/form/granite:data path and right click and then click on overlay node.

    2.  Ovelay popup will appear, Check Match Node Type checkbox and click on OK.

    3.  The structure will be created under apps, Now go to /apps/cq/gui/content/common/managepublicationwizard and add a property 
sling:resourceSuperType and value of this property as /libs/cq/gui/content/common/managepublicationwizard

     4. Now go to /apps/cq/gui/content/common/managepublicationwizard/body/items/form/granite:data path and add properties as

requestActivationWorkflow : /etc/workflow/models/custom_request_for_activation/jcr:content/model

requestDeactivationWorkflow : /etc/workflow/models/custom_request_for_deactivation/jcr:content/model

Now on manage publication for publish and unpublish your custom workflow will be triggered.

Note :

1.      Even though your workflows will be in /conf still you need to add it in the same manner shown above.

2.     It does not work project specific. Changing the workflow will happen globally.

Hope this helps!!

Happy Coding 🙏

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  1. How can I create A new widget Ex. Instead of changing Mange Publication I want to create one more Custom Manage publication option. Please reply


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